Latest figures

Current Account

-3.9 Arrow up

% of GDP
Quarter 2 | 2024

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Direct investment in Latvia

25.4 Arrow up

billions of euro
Quarter 2 | 2024

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Percentage rate for loans for house purchase



June | 2024

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Percentage rate for consumer credits


15.84%Arrow up

June | 2024

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Statistical data

Balance of Payments statistics

Reflect the data of the balance of payments, international investment position, international trade in services, external debt, direct investments and international reserves template.

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Supervisory statistics

Reflect the statistics on participants of the market under supervision.

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Exchange rates

Euro foreign exchange reference rates published by the European Central Bank.

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MFI balance sheet and monetary statistics

Reflect the data on total MFI assets and liabilities.

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Interest rate statistics

Reflect the data on various types of interest rates.

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Financial accounts

Reflect financial instruments by sector and counterparty sector.

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Household Finance and Consumption Survey

Reflect the data on the real and financial assets, credit liabilities, income and consumption of households.

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Other financial intermediaries statistics

Reflect the balance sheet indicators of other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds.

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Investment fund statistics

Reflect the balance sheet indicators of investment funds and alternative investment funds.

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Payment statistics

Reflect Latvijas Banka's interbank system statistics and Latvia's payment statistics.

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Credit Register statistics

Reflect Credit Register statistics.

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Statistics news