Published: 04.04.2015 Updated: 10.07.2024

Eurosystem’s infrastructure enabling the execution of securities settlements and the related cash settlements.

TARGET2-Securities offers European central securities depositaries (CSD) and CSDs’ participants centralized settlement of securities transactions on a delivery-versus-payment (DvP) basis in central bank money.

Latvijas Banka ensures settlement of the cash leg of TARGET-Latvia participants’ securities transactions settling in TARGET2-Securities in euro.

Information for participants of TARGET2-Securities

TARGET2-Securities platform is based on a single technical solution which is integrated into TARGET component systems. It enables TARGET participants to use one TARGET2-Securities dedicated cash account to settle for securities held on participant’s securities accounts with any CSD connected to TARGET2-Securities platform.  

Latvijas Banka opens and maintains TARGET2-Securities dedicated cash accounts for the participants of TARGET-Latvija pursuant to the "System Rules for Participation in TARGET2-Latvija" (available only in Latvian). 

Registration User Guide