Participation and processing of payment orders are governed by the System Rules and Functional Specifications and other documents available in Information for EKS participants
EKS participants and other eligible parties can become users of Proxy Registry “Instant Links” for customer account numbers and mobile phone number links. Usage of the registry and inforamtion exchange is goverened by the documents avaoilable in Information for users of the Proxy Registry "Instant Links"
To join the EKS, an applicant participant shall act as follows:
- conclude an agreement on the participation in the EKS with Latvijas Banka;
- conclude an agreement "On Digital Signing" with Latvijas Banka (except where such an agreement has already been concluded);
For testing environment
- submit static data collection form of the EKS and provides a list of contact persons for the relevant tests;
- in TARGET UTEST environment opens and configures RTGS and TIPS DCA’s;
- perform preliminary technical activities in line with Latvijas Banka’s instructions;
- perform tests in line with Latvijas Banka’s instructions;
For production environment
- provide capacity opinion (except where such an opinion has already been provided)
- adhere to the European Payments Council SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme and SEPA Instant Sredit Transfer Scheme;
- in TARGET production environment opens and configures RTGS and TIPS DCA’s;
- submit static data collection form of the EKS and provides a list of contact persons for the productionl
- receive Latvijas Banka’s letter with indication of the participation starting date.
For more detailed information, please, contact the Payment Systems Department of the Bank of Latvia.
E-mail address: