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- Governance
- Structure
Monetary Policy Department
Uldis Rutkaste
Market Operations Department
Raivo Vanags
Financial Stability and Macroprudential Policy Department
Elmārs Zakulis
Cash Department
Jānis Blūms
Payment Systems Department
Egons Gailītis
Data and Statistics Department
Aiga Ose
Finance Department
Jānis Caune
Legal Department
Iveta Krastiņa
Human Resources Department
Andželika Berga
Operational Risk Management Department
Igors Fleitmanis
Information Technology Department
Harijs Ozols
Communications and Financial Literacy Department
Inna Bērziņa
General Secretariat
Andris Strazds
Internal Audit Department
Zane Dzintare
Insurance and Pension Supervision Department
Evija Dundure
Financial Technology Supervision Department
Marine Krasovska
Capital Market Supervision Department
Kristaps Soms
Credit Institutions Supervision Department
Nora Dambure
Licensing and Sanctions Department
Agnese Alaine
Anti-money Laundering Department
Kristaps Markovskis
Regulatory Requirements, Analysis and Methodology Department
Ludmila Vojevoda
Market Participants Audit Department
Kristīne Vaļko
Resolution and Protection Schemes Department
Marina Miļanceviča
Building Infrastructure Department
Māris Slaidiņš