Regulation on Core Principles of the Remuneration Policy for the Managers of Investment Management Companies and Alternative Investment Funds (available in Latvian)
Regulations No. 154
Adopted on 15.09.2020. Entered into force on 26.09.2020
Regulations for Provision of Information by Alternative Investment Fund Managers (available in Latvian)
Regulations No. 146
Adopted on 01.09.2020. Entered into force on 15.09.2020
Regulations on the Preparation of Annual Accounts, Consolidated Annual Accounts and Half-year Reports of Investment Funds and Open-ended Alternative Investment Funds (available in Latvian)
Adopted on 29.09.2020. Entered into force on 08.10.2020
Regulations on the Use of the Language in the Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products (available in Latvian)
Regulations No. 210
Adopted on 03.11.2020. Entered into force on 11.11.2020